================================================================ Title : Colombian Prison Riot v2.0 Filename : D2PRISON.ZIP (contains D2PRISON.WAD, D2PRISON.TXT) Author : Matt Bollier Email Address : Whats New in 2.0? : More sounds (birds chirping by trees) More graphics (TITLEPIC is updated, CWILV00, etc.) Error in cafeteria fixed! It's more difficult in networked co-op play More health and ammo and enemies Helicopter has textures aligned better Description : Riot Control. That's your job. Control riots. Doesn't sound like much does it? Well, it's a tough job when an entire prison system is rioting and all the guards inside are either dead or critically injured. Your squad of 8 soldiers was the first to arrive here by helicopter. This prison, located on an island off the coast of Columbia, is a long ways away from everyone so help won't be arriving soon. Your team split up, you were ordered to stand guard at the entrance to the prison. Suddenly, the sound of gunfire fills your ears, and you see your squaddies dropping like flies. You duck behind a wall and look around. This is going to suck you say to yourself as you look at your weapon, a mere pistol. You'll need some firepower, and you'll need it fast!. The only way out of here is to get to the helicopter on the other side of the island and it's heavily guarded. By the way, there are ways, of umm, "sneaking" around the base. There's even a secret escape tunnel with an unfortunate escapee at the end. If you find it, the helicopter is pretty cool. Its easily marked -- it's behind a locked door with an large "H" in front of it. And don't use the cheat codes, this level is extremely good if you play it how it should be played, all keys are accessable without too much difficulty, but you have to work for the yellow The great thing about this level is, even though it's loaded with information (lindefs, sectors, etc.) it doesn't take very long to win, you don't have to play for 30 minutes just to beat the level. Most people will exit the level in under 10 minutes. It's possible to do it in less than 3 though... Additional Credits to : ID, Zerius Development, Ben Morris, Colin Reed, Bill Neisius, OCS, Moon Valley Software, Jens Hykkelbjerg, and Lawrence Britt because his level "Assault On Alcatraz" inspired this WAD. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes! Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes! Difficulty Settings : Yes! New Sounds : Yes, all of 'em done by me New Graphics : Yes! Demos Replaced : None, who watches 'em anyway? Cool Structures : Yes, a helicopter! And you can go inside it too! The ocean looks cool thanks to a trick I learned from "Assault on Alcatraz." * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : A few weeks Editor(s) used : DCK v2.2, DMGRAPH v1.1, DMAUD v1.1, NEOPAINT BSP v1.2x, RMB v2.1, and SpeakUp! Known Bugs : Nonefx Level Testers : Gary Atkinson, Chris Ruggiero, and Scott Veith * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. But give me some credit if you do or if you rip off textures or sounds. You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. But then again, this level isn't copyrighted because to do so would violate copyright laws of ID software, so basically you can do anything to this level that you want except sell it and some other legal stuff that ID has. * Where to get this WAD * Uhhhhh, I guess you could try looking on your computer.